Discover how we can collaborate in an Mentoring environment

Mentor - Services

Mentor and Mentee

As a Mentor I accompany you
in the long term
through strategic planning of your career

The ASSERVIRE mentor concept helps you to readjust to your daily challenges and to cope with challenging change situations in all phases of your career.
You reflect on your own role behavior, which allows you new options for action. Thus, your own leadership behavior becomes visible and is constantly developed. Your competence to act is strengthened and you gain clarity to resolve conflict situations.
In this way, Mentoring makes an effective contribution to a positive implementation culture.

Starter Package

Creation of your Profile
Determination of Personality Type According to the MBTI® -Concept
Determination of Competence Overview According to the Kode®-Concept
2 Consulting Appointments
à 90 Minutes

Development Package

Determination of your location
Determination of Personality Type According to the MBTI® -Concept
Determination of Competence Overview According to the Kode®-Concept
2 Consulting Appointments
à 90 Minutes
Career Compass
3 Follow-Up Appointments
à 60 Minutes

Implementation Package

Development of your business map
Determination of Personality Type According to the MBTI® -Concept
Determination of Competence Overview According to the Kode®-Concept
2 Consulting Appointments
à 90 Minutes
Career Compass
Career Canvas
5 Follow-Up Appointments
à 60 Minutes

The starting point of Mentoring is always the determination of your competencies according to the Kode®-Concept as well as the determination of your personality type according to the MBTI® -Concept.
Subsequently, these results can be used in context (cf. Career Compass and Career Canvas) to your professional and personal environment and further steps can be derived. You decide whether and from when you want to take the next step with me.

Determination of your location

Your Career Compass

Career Compass

Development of your business map

Your Career Canvas

Karrierecanvas mit Einflussfaktoren

Strategic, career-related Mentoring

My Services For You

  • Professional and personal development of managers through support on strategically relevant topics and at turning points in their careers
  • Successful implementation of these tasks within a defined time frame
  • Managing Director
  • Managers at first and second management level
  • Aspiring young managers

Definition Phase

  • Intensive preliminary discussion with personal situation analysis
  • Goal setting and rough planning

Planning Phase

  • Preparation of measures and time schedule according to the SMART concept

Implementation Phase

  • Face-to-face appointments
  • Online appointments
  • Telephone appointments
  • Providing management tools
  • Operational support
  • Developmental documentation

Closing Phase

  • Transfer of expertise, experience, methods
  • Final report
  • Competent illumination of own talents, preferences, strengths and weaknesses
  • Discussion and reflection of your professional and personal position
  • Development of professional and personal skills - especially communication and leadership skills in key situations
  • Support in decision-making by an independent, objective partner
  • Imparting best-practice methods
  • Relief through focus and prioritization

Application Process

  • Analyze job descriptions and evaluate for fit with mentee's goals and personality.
  • Preparation of Resume / CV, cover letter, social media profile.
  • Preparation and follow-up of the job interview

Company Entry

  • Support during the orientation period
  • Building understanding of processes, work content and company culture

Rise | Ascent

  • Support when taking on a new function
  • Decision support for career path decision (specialist, project career, hierarchy career)
  • Preparation of employee appraisals / feedback meetings
  • Selection of management skills trainings or technical trainings
  • Imparting time management knowledge

Changeover / Exit

  • Examination of daily business situations with regard to uncertainties, boredom and involuntary surprises
  • Elaboration of a job profile that fits the career idea


  • Decision support for topics such as parental leave, sabbatical, longer training, time off for caregiving

Expatriate Time

  • Preparation with mental tuning for the mission
  • Accompaniment during the deployment to flatten the "culture shock curve".
  • Follow-up of the stay and early search for an adequate follow-up position 

Mentor and Mentee

We Are A Team

Zusammenarbeit Mentor und Mentee

How mentoring works in detail

Mentoring Procedure

The initial meeting in Mentoring is elementary for a good cooperation.

Mentoring only makes sense if mentor and mentee can establish a basis of trust. This requires that your expectations as a mentee match my performance as a mentor. It is therefore all the more important to clearly understand your needs in the initial meeting and to check whether and how these can be met with the ASSERVIRE offer.

If you are looking for a confidant who will accompany you in your strategic career planning over the long term, then strategic, career-related mentoring is right for you. If, on the other hand, you are looking for someone to support you in acute (crisis) situations, then task- or job-related Coaching is the right choice for you.

The initial consultation usually lasts between 1- 2 hours and is free of charge.

Together we work on your career and your change plans. The appropriate setting for this can be on-site at your company, in a virtual space created for this purpose in the form of online sessions, or informally in a relaxed atmosphere in a public space (café, restaurant, lobby, etc.).

Any place is suitable where you feel comfortable.

The analysis of your existing situation is carried out systematically using the ASSERVIRE evaluation guide. For this purpose, the career path you have chosen, your current phase in life and your position in your current company are examined in more detail.  Your areas of competence (methodological competence, professional competence, social competence, self-competence, action competence) are also individually queried and evaluated. Possible risks to which you are exposed in your current professional situation are also identified. The analysis also includes an examination of your (Outlook) calendar. As a result, your mentee development fields are identified and the further procedure is addressed.

Following the analysis, we jointly define the desired goals of the mentoring. To this end, we define "SMART" indicators, which we monitor throughout the duration of the relationship. Through regular feedback, we also take into account the subjective feelings of mentee and mentor regarding the achievement of goals.  As a mentor, I am responsible for ensuring an efficient mentoring process. To ensure compliance with this, I prepare and submit summaries of the mentor-mentee meetings, action plans, and / or corresponding documentation in the days following the respective interactions.

If the competence to act is limited by a dysbalance within the underlying competencies, then I act as your mentor first as Trainer and Coach. The spectrum of services ranges from training courses on common user programs (MS Office package, SAP) to seminars on specialist topics and self-management coaching. In this role, I also act as an interface to other experts if more in-depth expertise is required on one of your topics.


In the final phase, we reflect on the process and the goal achieved. In the case of a client who is not the mentee, there is a joint final discussion.

Your satisfaction is the only metric I have for the success of our mentor-mentee relationship. 

I promise you this satisfaction.

If you are not satisfied, then I will not bill you.

"Perfect sincerity is the way to originality."

Charles Baudelaire

You should never walk alone