What makes your generation stand out?

Currently, the workforce consists of four distinct generations "Generation Boomer", "Generation X, Y, Z" . The "Generation of Traditionalists" (Born: 1922 - 1954) has practically retired from professional life and is no longer listed here. The future generations "as well as "Generation Alpha (Born: 2010 - 2024), "Generation Beta" (Born from 2025) are not yet present in the world of work. It is useful to know the peculiarities of your own generation and see them in the context of the characteristics of other generations. Below are the generations currently active in the world of work.
Born: 1946 – 1964
Formative in youth: economic miracle; cold war; 68ers; peace movement
Typical: high career goals; adaptability; drive; still clear division of roles
Work attitude: Live to work. High standards for themselves and their employees.
Born: 1965 – 1980
Embossing: television; prosperity; computers; Chernobyl; baby pill; rising divorce rate
Typical characteristics: Uses new technologies in everyday work and for communication; individualism; need to combine work and family (work-life balance).
Work attitude: Working to live. Expectations of new working time models. Demand for co-determination.
Born:: 1981 – 1999
Embossing: prosperity; e-mail; cell phone; freedom; self-realization; end of conscription.
Typical characteristics: uses technologies and innovations to simplify life; high thirst for knowledge; grew up sheltered; freedom-loving; egoistic; live in the "here" and "now".
Work attitude: life first, then work. Demand for flexible working hours, e.g. home office, and autonomy of action. Work must be fun and meaningful.
Born:: 1995 – 2012
Embossing: fear of loss of wealth; smartphones; social media; parents as best friends; permanent crisis (economy, politics, environment, etc.); terror
Typical characteristics: high technical and digital literacy; communication via apps and social media; sharing content on the World Wide Web; increased emphasis on lifestyle; addicted to feedback/recognition; trust via ratings and "likes"; fear of the future; difficulty making decisions and in face-to-face communication.
Work attitude: Here's work, there's my life. Clear differentiation between work and private life.
"When I was fourteen, my father was so ignorant. I could hardly stand the old man around me. But at twenty-one, I was amazed at how much he had learned in seven years."
Mark Twain