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Einfluss des Karrierepfades auf die Karriere

These 3 career paths are yours to choose from!

Learn about the different career paths. "There are two ways to make a career: Either you actually accomplish something, or you claim to accomplish something. I advise the first method, because the competition here is nowhere near as great." Danny Kaye

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Allgemein Aktivitäts- und Handlungskompetenz

Why these 6 skills are not enough for your career!

"Competencies are grounded by knowledge in the narrow sense, constituted by rules, values and norms, personalized by interiorization processes, disposed as abilities, consolidated by experience, and realized on the basis of will." Volker Heyse, John Erpenbeck

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Einfluss der Generation auf die Karriere

How these 5 generations affect your career!

"When I was fourteen, my father was so ignorant. I could hardly stand the old man around me. But at twenty-one, I was amazed at how much he had learned in seven years." Mark Twain
See what peculiarities your generation has.

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Karrierekompass bestehend aus 10 Karriereeinflüssen

These 10 career influences you should memorise!

Your success in your job is determined by various career influences. This depends on your chosen career path, your current phase in life, your personality, your career point in your company as well as the economic development of this company. Furthermore, you are influenced by your generation.

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"Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. "


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