"If you don't work to make your dream a reality, someone else will hire you to help them make their dream a reality." Therefore, start to identify your career point now.
"A smile is understood in every language in the world." Therefore, learn about the influence of country culture on your career.
Learn about the different career paths. "There are two ways to make a career: Either you actually accomplish something, or you claim to accomplish something. I advise the first method, because the competition here is nowhere near as great." Danny Kaye
Why corporate culture is important. "A company thrives on the culture of its employees." Eric Schmidt , CEO of Google
“Deine Zeit ist begrenzt. Vergeude sie nicht damit das Leben anderer zu leben.” Steve Jobs Überprüfen Sie in welcher Phase sich Ihr Unternehmen befindet.
“Mal muss man wagemutig sein und mal vorsichtig. Wer klug ist, weiß wann was angebracht ist.” Machen Sie sich mit Risiken für Ihre Karriere vertraut.
"Competencies are grounded by knowledge in the narrow sense, constituted by rules, values and norms, personalized by interiorization processes, disposed as abilities, consolidated by experience, and realized on the basis of will." Volker Heyse, John Erpenbeck
"Personalities are not formed by fine speeches, but by work and one's own performance." Albert Einstein
"Man is given in his life a time to learn, a time to struggle, and a time to gain wisdom. What comes after is a gift from the gods; after that he gets to enjoy life." Chinese proverb
“Als ich vierzehn war, war mein Vater so unwissend. Ich konnte den alten Mann kaum in meiner Nähe ertragen. Aber mit einundzwanzig war ich verblüfft, wieviel er in sieben Jahren dazu gelernt hatte.” Mark Twain Sehen Sie welche Besonderheiten Ihre Generation aufweist.